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Generating Personal Growth: A Review of Socra Goals

December 28, 2023

Magik Chance

Generating Personal Growth: A Review of Socra Goals

I have many goals but often they’re nebulous things in the distance. Don’t you wish you had a coach to tell you what to do right now to get you closer to your dreams? Socra Goals attempts to provide this service.

What is Socra?

Socra is an AI-based platform designed to act as a life coach, step-by-step planner, and progress tracker. It’s broken into two main features: “Journeys” which are long-term plans and “Goals” which we will look at today.

How do Goals work?

To get started on a goal, log into Socra and hit the + in the corner of the Goals section. It will ask you to fill in the blank: “I want to ____” Once you’ve filled in your goal, Socra will provide you with its first task idea which you can accept (green button) or skip (red button). 

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a “Background” box. This seems to work a little like custom instructions for GPT but with a limited character restriction. Useful pieces of information would be brief descriptions of what has already been done, what needs to be done, and whether you can spend money working on the goal.

When you accept a task, more information about the task will be given, including how to start, steps, tips, common mistakes, and (possibly) helpful videos. Once your task is completed, you can make some notes in the “Results” section which will help Socra create new tasks.

There is a gamification angle to Goals. Your completed goals for the day will be tracked along with how many skips you use and how long of a day streak you have. Each task completed earns “Socras” but what use, if any, this has is unknown to me at this time.

Is Goals worth using?

Goals needs a little polish – the ? button on the task acceptance window doesn’t seem to work and when attempting to type in the result box, sometimes it returns to the task acceptance page. The existence of “Socras” suggest there are features that have yet to be implemented as well.

That said, I have found the tasks it suggests to be helpful. The information given can be repetitive and the videos out of date, but the tips and steps have value. Above all, this adds an extra level of accountability and gamification that can be very helpful depending on how your motivation works.

Is Socra free?

Socra is not free long term, but everyone gets free 250 tokens by default. Different types of generations – from chat responses (2 tokens) to images (5 tokens) to Journeys (5 tokens) – cost a different amount of tokens. As far as I can determine, Goals each cost 5 tokens up front to start, but then the tasks are free. You only get a set number of generated tasks per day (it seems to be around 10) unless you subscribe to the platform.

If you’d like to give Socra a try, here is my referral link. You naturally don’t have to use mine, but I do recommend using a referral link to sign up since you receive 500 extra free tokens.


I would recommend giving Socra goals a shot if you are interested in having an AI’s help to gamify your goals, or if you just need some ideas of practical, actionable steps to achieve your goals. If you like Goals, I suggest also looking at “Journeys.” These are more thought-out long term plans with a greater level of detail.

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